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Used Oil

The Town of Churchill, in conjunction with the Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corporation (MARRC), operates an Eco Centre at L5 for the purpose of collecting used oil, filters, oil containers and antifreeze.
You can drop off used oil (in marked containers), fuel filters, and oil containers at L5. Collect used oil from your vehicle, or other machinery, and place it in its original container. Do not contaminate the oil with other liquids. 
Speak with the attendant on duty for information on where to place your used oil, and related items. If attendant is unavailable, place on pallet in front of L5, ensure containers are clearly marked.
For more information on the Used Oil Program click here.
Gasoline is a hazardous waste and is treated differently than used oil. For more information on household hazardous waste click here.
To return to the Waste Management page click here.