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Beluga Whales

Beluga Whales
Belugas, also known as the canaries of the sea, are vocal creatures, with high pitched whistles, chirping, and clicking. With use of hydrophones, our tour operators can help you hear the belugas song. They inhabit the relatively warm waters of the Churchill River after the ice breaks up.  The river provides a safe location for Belugas and their calf's to feed and rest. 
Hop aboard one of the many vessels providing tours to watch these majestic and sociable creatures in their natural habitat. If you are adventurous a guided tour kayaking and/or paddle boarding with the whales creates an unforgettable experience! 

Beluga Whale Tours (July-August)

Churchill Custom Tours
Provides a variety of tours and can be customized to your needs.  
Ph: 204-963-2736, email or check out their website. 


Lazy Bear Lodge and Expeditions
Provides a variety of tours including kayaking and aquagliding. Tours are booked with packages which include accommodation. 
Ph: 1-866-687-2327 or 204-663-9377, email or check out their website 

Sea North Tours
Provides a variety of tours, including an ice floe tour (June 1-30th dependent on ice conditions), zodiac, kayak, paddle board and hikes across the river. 
Ph: 204-675-2195, email or check out their website.


Paddle board and whale tours 
Ph: 204-793-3099, email or check out their website.