A-Z list
The following list was created to assist you in determining how certain items can be disposed or recycled.
Acid is a dangerous substance and we ask you to transport it to L5 and provide it to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place in clearly marked and sealed containers and place in front of drop off area.
Aerosol spray cans
Spray cans should not be placed in household garbage, as pressurized cans can pose a safety hazard. We ask you to transport all aerosol cans to L5 and place in front of drop off area.
Air conditioner and dehumidifier
Take to the metal dump – put in white appliance section so that Freon can be removed.
Aluminum Foil/Trays
Aluminum foil and trays go into regular household garbage. They cannot be recycled.
Anti-freeze and Container
Transport labeled antifreeze (glycol) to L5 and place on designated pallet in front of the drop off area.
Animal Waste
Animal waste must be bagged and dropped off at L5 in the "Human and Animal Waste" area. Individual bags of dog waste can be placed in one of the pet waste stations (seasonal) during your walk.
Such as fridges, freezers, stoves, dishwashers, washing machines, dryers, hot water heaters and air-conditioners
If irreparable, take to the metal dump. Put in White appliance section.
(Microwaves and TVs go to L5 for electronic waste recycling)
Bags: Plastic
Plastic bags cannot go into blue bag recycling. Also they do not break down easily in landfill sites. Therefore, please reuse them to the maximum and then put them with your regular garbage.
Batteries (lead-acid)
Batteries can be transported to L5 and placed on the designated pallet in front of the drop off area.
Batteries (hearing aid or D - 4A)
Recycle at Town Administration Services Office or Churchill Home Hardware through Call2Recycle
Beverage Containers
Glass should be placed in cardboard boxes and placed curbside on recycling day.
All other beverage containers can be placed in blue recycling bags.
Put out separately on Recycling day.
Carpet can be transported to L5 and placed in the construction waste area.
Place in Blue bag recycling
CFLs, Fluorescent Tubes and ballasts
These products contain mercury and must be handled carefully. We ask you to transport it to L5 and provide it to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place in front of drop off area.
Computer / Computer Accessories
Transport to L5 and place in designated e-waste drop off area.
Construction Waste
For information regarding construction waste disposal, please contact the Public Works Department at 204-675-2357
See Tipping Fees for pricing information.
Drink/Juice Boxes
Put in Blue Bag recycling
Electrical and Electronic Waste (E-waste)
Electronic Waste can be transported to L5 for disposal. Cords from any appliance can go into small e-waste receptacle. Appliances such as toasters, and kettles are not electronic waste and go in household garbage.
Residential - can be
taken to L5.
Commercial – considered construction waste.
Fire Extinguisher
Fire extinguishers may contain hazardous substances and proper disposal is required.Fire extinguishers can be transported to L5 or the Fire Department for disposal.
Fluorescent Lights
We ask you to transport
lights to L5 and provide them to the attendant. If attendant is unavailable, place
in front of drop off area.
Bundle quantities with masking tape.
Food Waste
Place in regular household garbage.
Fridge and freezer
Transport to metal dump, and place in white appliance section.
Mattresses, box springs, chairs, couches and other furniture
Place at the end of L5, by Construction Waste
Glass Bottles
Place curbside in cardboard boxes on recycling day.
Herbicides (Roundup, etc.)
are highly toxic chemicals and must not be dumped into the drainage system.
We ask you to transport herbicides to L5 and provide them to the attendant on
duty. If attendant is unavailable, place in clearly marked and sealed
containers and place in front of drop off area.
Household Hazardous Waste
Transport to L5 and
give to attendant. If attendant is unavailable, place on designated pallet in
front of the drop off area.
Ensure all household hazardous waste is in clearly marked and sealed
Examples of household hazardous waste products include;
· any filled container with a safety symbol on it
· aerosol cans
· cleaners (toilet, oven or drain)
· antifreeze (radiator / windshield)
· automotive batteries
· gasoline
· bbq and camping fuel
· chemical lawn fertilizers
· herbicides (weed killers)
· pesticides / insecticides (insect and rodent killers)
· insect repellent
· latex and oil-based paints (oil-based/alkyd)
· paint brush cleaners / solvents
· varnish remover
· swimming pool chemicals
· some light bulbs
· fire extinguishers
Juice Boxes
Place in Blue Bag for recycling
Junk Mail
Bundle and place in Blue bag for recycling
Lights (CFLs and tubes)
These products may contain mercury and must be handled carefully. We ask you to transport it to L5 and provide it to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place in front of drop off area.
Take to Pharmacy
Mercury Switches and Thermostats
Old non-programmable thermostats, and anti-lock braking systems (ABS) in end-of-life vehicles contain mercury and must be handled carefully. We ask you to transport it to L5 and provide it to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place in front of drop off area.
Transport to L5 as Electronic Waste.
Needles and Syringes (sharps)
For regular use, ask your doctor for a household sharps container, and return it for an empty one when needed. If only a few needles, the pharmacy has a sharps disposal unit.
If bundled, put in blue bag recycling.
Oil, Oil Filter and Container
Transport to L5 and provide it to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place in front of drop off area.
This includes;
· Used automotive oil and containers
· Used oil filters
· Used packaged antifreeze and their containers (30L or less) and bulk antifreeze (greater than 30L)
· Antifreeze - Ethylene glycol and propylene glycol used or intended for use as a vehicle engine coolant.
Organic Waste
Put in Regular garbage or compost
Leftover paint should NOT be dumped into sewers or drains. Latex paints can be placed out for regular garbage collection if the lids are off the paint containers and the paint is dry and hard.
Cans with paint in them are to be transported to L5, and can be placed in the designated drop off area.
Pesticide & Insecticide
Pesticides and insecticides are highly toxic chemicals and must not be dumped into the drainage system.
We ask you to transport it to L5 and provide it to the attendant on duty. If attendant is unavailable, place on designated pallet in front of drop off area.
Phone (Home phones and Cell phones)
Transport to L5, and place in E-Waste receptacle.
Transport to L5, and place in E-Waste receptacle.
Propane Tank / Compressed Gas Tank
Take your tank to Stittco who will decommission and dispose of it properly.
Propane tanks / compressed gas cylinders have the potential to explode and will not be picked up with regular garbage collection.
Railroad Ties and Landscape Timber
These items contain creosote, a preservative, which makes them hazardous. See if someone is interested in reusing your railroad ties in a landscaping project.
ReUse Area
L5 is currently being reorganized. The ReUse area is temporarily not available. It should be up and running soon.
Scrap Metal
Transport to metal dump, and place in designated area.
Sharp Objects
These items such as knives, nails, etc., need to be packaged in puncture-proof containers with lids. Once safely contained, they can then be put out for regular garbage collection.
Smoke Detectors
Up to 10 residential smoke detectors can be put out for regular garbage collection. More than 10 residential or any commercial smoke detectors require special arrangements and approval for disposal at the landfill because of the radioactive material in them.
Solvents are considered as hazardous waste and proper disposal is required.
Transport to L5 during opening hours and give to attendant, if attendant is unavailable, place on designated pallet in front of the drop off area, in a clearly marked and sealed container.
Place in regular garbage.
Transport to L5, and place in E-Waste receptacle
Tire and Tube
Transport to metal dump and place with tires.
Toner Cartridges
Not possible to recycle in Churchill. Staples, Xerox and other companies have mail in programs, check with your supplier for more information.
Treat as paint.
Washers and Dryers
Transport to metal dump and put in white appliance section
Yard Waste